Dear Family and Friends,
Hello! This week has
been a hard week for sure. We've been struggling to find new people to teach,
as well lots of lessons cancelled on us. We don't have many people to teach
right now, so we are spending lots of time knocking on doors. I like knocking
on doors because I get to meet lots of different people, and get to testify
often of Christ. But the hours have been long and the lessons few.
Also this week we had
the chance to do service. On Harkers Island there was a big community get
together of all the churches to clean the graveyard. Sadly, only people from
our church showed up, but we got a lot of work done. Although, with this warm
weather we've been getting here, it also means that we got a lot of bugs. Sadly,
I wore shorts, thinking about how it was going to get hot that afternoon. Well,
right around this time there are bugs that look like gnats. The locals call
them gnodes. They were all over the place! I have never seen so many bugs in my
life! We had bug spray but that made little to no difference as I got eaten
alive over the five hours we worked there. The difference between gnats and
gnodes is that gnodes bite you. And when they bite you it is almost identical
to a mosquito bite. They swell up, itch like crazy, and make little circular
bumps underneath your skin.
After service we went
and ate at a member’s house, and it was fun hearing them talk in Harkanese (the
dialect of the people that live on the island). We went home, and that night I
decided to total up the number of bites that I got. 138 on both of my legs, and
244 total on my whole body...Basically my whole body has swollen up and I itch
like crazy. Debatable this is one of the worst experiences of my life.
Scratch that. This is the worst experience I have had my entire life. I itch
from head to toe, and I feel like I'm going to go crazy before all of these bites
go away. I've put on lots of itch relieving cream but so far it hasn't helped
Final note of the
week. We had zone conference not too long ago and something really stood out to
me that our mission president said. We were talking about judgement day, and
our mission president related how we are probably all going to feel naked
before God in that time (as did Adam and Eve in the garden). He then expressed
how during that time, when we are aware of all our guilt and sin, and we will
have a perfect knowledge of everything we did wrong...Jesus will come and wrap
us in His robe of righteousness. Then He will say to the Father, "This one
is mine." And lead you, clothed in his robe and cleansed through his
blood, past the judgement of God. I've been thinking about that a lot recently
coupled with the message of the resurrection around this Easter season. As Job
testified, "And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my
flesh shall I see God." (Job 19:26) Paul taught " Why should it be
thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?" (Acts
26:8) And finally, Jacob affirmed that "the grave must deliver up its
captive bodies, and the bodies and spirits of men will be restored to one
another, and it is by the power of the resurrection of the Holy One of
Israel." ( 2 Nephi 9:12) I am grateful for Jesus Christ, His ministry, His
sacrifice, and His resurrection. I leave you with my testimony this Easter of
His divinity and glory.
Elder Adams