Sunday, April 23, 2017

Elder Harrison Adams 4/17/17 Greenville, NC

Family and Friends,

Hello Y'all! There's lots to write about this week! Lots of good and bad things happened.

To start off we had to drop one of our investigators which was really hard, but necessary as well. Sometimes it's a hard and scary thing to do, but if we follow the Spirit's direction it will all work out. God has a play for each and every one of us. A few days later we also had to drive some Elders to the airport and say goodbye to them. That was also a little hard and sad.

However, even though this week had some hard things, it was chalked full of amazing things as well! We had lots of success finding new investigators and have found some really good potential in several of them.

One of the biggest highlights of the week however happened on Saturday. A while back Elder Cook had planned to visit our mission but due to an ice-storm he wasn't able to come. So he rescheduled and came back this past Saturday! We met in Portsmouth Virginia which was about a three hour drive from Greenville. Our mission president wanted us to drive up over night so we did that and stayed with some other Spanish Elders. Then Saturday morning we had a meeting, as a whole mission, with Elder Cook. It was so good and so amazing! We talked mostly about Easter and developing Christlike attributes. It was very inspiring and instructive. The Spirit that Elder Cook brought with him as well was incredible.

After the conference, we had some lunch and then had to drive all the way down to Kinston (4 hours away) for stake conference. We were running a little late but somehow made it just on time. We sang in the choir, and then got to hear from Elder Keetch and President Walker. It was really good. They talked about strengthening your marriage which of course doesn't apply to me right now, but I have some good ideas for the future now!

The next day, Sunday, we had the second session of stake conference in New Bern. About an hour and a half away from Greenville. Elder Keetch spoke to us again about the importance of service. He talked about a man that wanted to double his spirituality. He shared his plan with Elder Keetch, saying he was going to double the times he went to the temple, double his scripture study, and even go to church twice on Sunday. His hope was to double his spirituality by doubling those aspects of his worship. However, Elder Keetch told him what he thought would be the best way to double his spirituality. He said, "Instead of the time you would take to do all of those extra things, even though those are fantastic, use that time instead to perform simple acts of service." He went on to explain that of course we need the basic building blocks of scripture reading, church attendance, and temple worship. However, it's also important to remember to give service to others. That's my favorite thing about being a missionary. We have so many opportunities to serve. And I know that as we serve not only will we increase our spirituality, but we will draw closer to God and be the type of people that he would want us to be.

Well after all of those amazing events, we had one more! Since stakes out here are pretty large, Morehead City is included in our stake. So at stake conference I was able to see lots of the families from Morehead City. In specific, the Willis and Clifton family! After conference, people always bring food and have a picnic outside, and they invited us to eat with them. It sure made me miss them and Morehead City!

Alright, that's about all for this week! Y'all take care!


Elder Adams

Seeing good friends from Morehead City.

Elder Adams and Elder Mickelson.

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