Well this week has flown by right quick!
Morehead city is a pretty cool
area, so far I like it a lot. Of course I'm still not really familiar with the
area, but over these next few weeks I'm excited to learn all about it. The
people here are also really great. We chum.
But y'all wouldn't believe how cold
it's gotten here recently! Luckily we only got very few flakes of snow, but this
morning our car was iced over and so we had to spend a good time unthawing and
scraping off the ice. We used our missionary plaques to scrape off the ice,
because we didn't have an ice-scraper. They worked like a jewel!
Well, I guess I
should probably tell y'all a little about my area. So we cover a huge area.
Including many places that I've been before. Of course we cover Morehead city,
also Beaufort, Emerald Isle, Harkers Island, and most of the southern half of
the Outer Banks. We also cover places like Atlantic Beach, Newport (which is
different from Newport News), and a few other cities. So far I have not had a
chance to go over to Emerald Isle, but we are going there tonight to have dinner
with the Crandall family.
It's a little different serving here in an English
ward. Instead of translating from Spanish to English, we translated from
English to Spanish. I personally think it's easier to go from English to Spanish
because you understand everything that is being said, and can then change it to
relay the same message using the Spanish that you know. Although at first I felt
really weird doing it, I caught on pretty fast.
So here in Morehead, we live with an older lady named Ida Lewis. She has a
little section of her house that she lets us live in. She's fairly old, I
believe she is eighty eight years old. We are always helping her out, getting
her mail, taking out her trash, and small little things like that. Also this
morning she was really sick, so we went over and gave her a priesthood blessing.
It's nice because we have constant service to do here.
I'm gonna give yall my
new direction so that yall can actually get letters and such to the right place!
So my address is:
Elder Harrison Adams
925 N. Yaupon Terrace
Morehead City, NC 28557
Elder Harrison Adams
925 N. Yaupon Terrace
Morehead City, NC 28557
While it is great
to be here, I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss Newport News. There is a thing
on the mission called "first area homesickness," and I am really starting to
feel that.
This week we've also been really blessed in finding people to teach. We
taught a little over thirty lessons this past week, so we have kept really busy!
We have a few people that are getting close to baptism, so that will be fun to
continue working with them.
Before I ride out the donkey, I just thought it would be fun to share some
fun experiences I have had so far. Down here people have a different way of
speaking, and sadly it's already starting to change thee way I talk! Haha. I
almost wish I had stayed at the MTC another week to learn how to speak southern,
because there have been some times where I have no idea what in the world
someone is saying. And they're speaking to me in English. But I've picked up a
few phrases here and there, and it's kind of surprising how fast they've already
caught on.
They also deep fry EVERYTHING here. Twinkies, any kind of meat, any
kind of seafood, literally anything you could possibly imagine. This week I had
deep fried chicken liver from KFC. Now I'm not positive. But I'm pretty sure
they don't sell deep friend chicken liver in the KFC's in Utah.
Well we got to get going, we have a fun day planned out ahead of us. We
haven't decided quite yet what we're going to do. There are a lot of things
here. We might go to Atlantic Beach, the Aquarium, or we might go see the Black
Beard museum and his house. I'll be sure to tell y'all about it next week!